- Albert Einstein
- “Science is what we understand well enough to explain to a computer. Art is everything else.”
- “We cannot solve problems with the same kind of consciousness we used when we created them.”
- “The value of a person lies in what he is capable of giving and not in what he is capable of taking.”
- “It is easier to split an atom than a prejudice.”
- “The world as we have created it is the result of our thinking. We cannot change it unless we change our thinking.”
- “Everyone knows that something is impossible to achieve, until a madman comes along who doesn’t know it and invents it.”
- “Mystery is the fundamental emotion that lies at the source of true art and true science.”
- Arthur Koestler
- “The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems in retrospect.”
- Donald Knuth
- “Science is what we understand well enough to explain to a computer. Art is everything else.”
- Karl Popper
- “The history of evolution teaches us that the universe has never stopped being creative or inventive.”
- Khalil Gibran
- “Spiritual awakening is the most essential thing in human life, it is the only purpose of existence.”
- Jordan Brown
- “A single force, Love, unites infinite worlds and makes them live.”
- “It is not matter that generates thought, it is thought that generates matter.”
- Dante Alighieri
- “…the love that moves the sun and the other stars.”
- Plotinus
- “Try to bring the divine within us back to the divine in the universe.”
- Parmenide
- “The many cannot be conceived without the one.”
- “The many cannot be conceived without the one.”
- Harvey B. Mackay
- “The wise person is not the one who makes the fewest mistakes. It is the one who learns the most from his mistakes.”
- “The wise person is not the one who makes the fewest mistakes. It is the one who learns the most from his mistakes.”
- Galileo Galilei
- “Things are connected by invisible bonds. You cannot pick a flower without disturbing a star.”
- “Scientific truths cannot be decided by a majority vote.”
- Leonardo da Vinci
- “All our cognition begins with feelings.”
- “All our cognition begins with feelings.”
- Walt Disney
- “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
- “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
- William Blake
- “What is proven today was once only imagined.”
- “What is proven today was once only imagined.”
- Eric Fromm
- “Creativity requires the courage to abandon certainties.”
- “Creativity requires the courage to abandon certainties.”
- Erwin Schrodinger
- “What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but forms and variations in the structure of space.”
- “Quantum physics thus reveals a fundamental unity of the universe.”
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
- “The solution to the mystery of life in space and time lies outside space and time.”
- “The solution to the mystery of life in space and time lies outside space and time.”
- Max Planck
- “I consider consciousness as fundamental. I consider matter as derived from consciousness. We cannot go beyond consciousness.”
- “Science and religion are not in opposition, but they need each other to complete themselves in the mind of a seriously thinking man.”
- Ramana Maharshi
- “Consciousness is always with us. Everyone knows 'I am!' No one can deny his own being.”
- “Consciousness is always with us. Everyone knows 'I am!' No one can deny his own being.”
- Steven Pinker
- “I maintain that nothing gives more purpose to life than the realization that every moment of consciousness is a precious and fragile gift.”
- “The mode of consciousness of non-human species is very different from human consciousness.”
- “Consciousness, in the chaos of the world, is a small light, precious but fragile.”
- J.M. Coetzee
- “The mode of consciousness of non-human species is very different from human consciousness.”
- David Chalmers
- “Studying consciousness tells us more about how fundamentally strange the world is. I think there are still some revolutions to be made before we get there.”
- “Even when I was studying mathematics, physics, and computer science, it always seemed that the problem of consciousness was one of the most interesting in science.”
- Carl Gustav Jung
- “Our psyche is constituted in harmony with the structure of the universe, and what happens in the macrocosm happens equally in the infinitesimal and most subjective recesses of the soul.”
- “Your vision becomes clear only when you look inside your heart. He who looks outside, dreams. He who looks inside, awakens.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- “Everything is a riddle, and the key to a riddle is another riddle.”
- “People only see what they are ready to see.”
- “Do not seek yourself outside of yourself.”
- Louis-Ferdinand Celine
- “Consciousness, in the chaos of the world, is a small light, precious but fragile.”
- “Consciousness, in the chaos of the world, is a small light, precious but fragile.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- “Those who were seen dancing were considered crazy by those who could not hear the music.”
- “All things that are truly great seem at first sight impossible.”
- Teilhard de Chardin
- “Immerse yourself in Matter… It will then take you to God.”
- “Immerse yourself in Matter… It will then take you to God.”
- Eckhart Tolle
- “You are the vast space in which everything happens.”
- “You are the vast space in which everything happens.”
- Max Gandolfini
- “The brain is a necessary but not sufficient organ to explain consciousness.”
- “The brain is a necessary but not sufficient organ to explain consciousness.”
- Stanislav Grof
- “There is an urgent need for a radical revision of our current concepts about the nature of consciousness and its relationship to matter and the brain.”
- “There is an urgent need for a radical revision of our current concepts about the nature of consciousness and its relationship to matter and the brain.”
- Stephen LaBerge
- “What is consciousness? Our brain simulates reality. So, our everyday experiences are a form of dreaming, which means they are mental models, simulations, not the things they appear to be.”
- “What is consciousness? Our brain simulates reality. So, our everyday experiences are a form of dreaming, which means they are mental models, simulations, not the things they appear to be.”
- Guide
- “No one can give you wiser advice than yourself.”
- “Why do you deny that the universe is a conscious intelligence when it gives birth to conscious intelligences?”
- Upanishad
- “You ask yourself what the absolute is. It is the essence of your soul first of all.”
- “You ask yourself what the absolute is. It is the essence of your soul first of all.”
- Paul Dirac
- “Quantum mechanics is not the final word. There is something else that eludes us.”
- “Quantum mechanics is not the final word. There is something else that eludes us.”
- James McAvoy
- “For computers or robots to function upstream, there must be conscious awareness, and our consciousness is the most powerful life form on this planet.”
- “For computers or robots to function upstream, there must be conscious awareness, and our consciousness is the most powerful life form on this planet.”
- Hermes Trismegistus
- “As above, so below.”